Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Research article
11 May 2022
Research article |  | 11 May 2022

Summertime changes in climate extremes over the peripheral Arctic regions after a sudden sea ice retreat

Steve Delhaye, Thierry Fichefet, François Massonnet, David Docquier, Rym Msadek, Svenya Chripko, Christopher Roberts, Sarah Keeley, and Retish Senan

Data sets

ECMWF ECMWF-IFS-HR model output prepared for CMIP6 HighResMIP control-1950 Christopher David Roberts, Retish Senan, Franco Molteni, Souhail Boussetta, and Sarah Keeley

ECMWF ECMWF-IFS-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 HighResMIP control-1950 Christopher David Roberts, Retish Senan, Franco Molteni, Souhail Boussetta, and Sarah Keeley

PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (1 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-LR (cycle 43r1) ECMWF

PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (2 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-LR (cycle 43r1) ECMWF

PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (1 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-HR (cycle 43r1) ECMWF

PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (2 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-HR (cycle 43r1) ECMWF

Short summary
It is unclear how the atmosphere will respond to a retreat of summer Arctic sea ice. Much attention has been paid so far to weather extremes at mid-latitude and in winter. Here we focus on the changes in extremes in surface air temperature and precipitation over the Arctic regions in summer during and following abrupt sea ice retreats. We find that Arctic sea ice loss clearly shifts the extremes in surface air temperature and precipitation over terrestrial regions surrounding the Arctic Ocean.