Articles | Volume 5, issue 3
Research article
09 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 09 Aug 2024

Tropical cyclone asymmetric eyewall evolution and intensification in a two-layer model

Ting-Yu Cha and Michael M. Bell

Data sets

Scythe model Version 1.0.1 Michael M. Bell and Ting-Yu Cha

Model code and software

Scythe model Version 1.0.1 Michael M. Bell and Ting-Yu Cha

Interactive computing environment

Scythe model Version 1.0.1 Michael M. Bell and Ting-Yu Cha

Short summary
Our study investigates the dynamics of polygonal eyewall structures observed in intensifying hurricanes like Michael (2018) by using a simplified modeling approach. We develop a two-layer model to simulate the interactions between the free atmosphere and boundary layer to demonstrate the importance of different physical mechanisms in the intensification process. This simplified model offers insights into the interactions between dynamics and convection during hurricane intensification.