Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Research article
08 May 2024
Research article |  | 08 May 2024

Using regional relaxation experiments to understand the development of errors in the Asian summer monsoon

Gill M. Martin and José M. Rodríguez

Data sets

NEMO ocean engine. In Notes du Pôle de modélisation de l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) (v3.4, Number 27) Gurvan Madec et al.

Model code and software

CICE hadgem-r430 CICE Consortium

Short summary
Using sensitivity experiments, we show that model errors developing in the Maritime Continent region contribute substantially to the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) circulation and rainfall errors through their effects on the western North Pacific subtropical high-pressure region and the winds and sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Indian Ocean, exacerbated by local coupled feedback. Such information will inform future model developments aimed at improving model predictions for the ASM.