Articles | Volume 1, issue 2
Research article
17 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 17 Oct 2020

Tropopause-level planetary wave source and its role in two-way troposphere–stratosphere coupling

Lina Boljka and Thomas Birner

Data sets

S-RIP: Zonal-mean dynamical variables of global atmospheric reanalyses on pressure levels P. Martineau

Short summary
This study addresses the origin and impacts of a source of large-scale atmospheric waves in the lower stratosphere, which have not been examined before. This wave source is caused by interactions of waves of smaller scales. Here we show that as it lies in the lower stratosphere, this wave source can precede extreme events in the stratosphere and that such events can then lead to a response of the tropospheric weather patterns several weeks later (potential for long-term forecasting).