Articles | Volume 5, issue 3
Research article
15 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 15 Aug 2024

Influence of mid-latitude sea surface temperature fronts on the atmospheric water cycle and storm track activity

Fumiaki Ogawa and Thomas Spengler

Data sets

Output of sensitivity experiements by aqua-planet AGCM on the latitude and existence of SST front F. Ogawa and T. Spengler

(Version 6.4.0) The NCAR Command Language

Short summary
The exchange of energy and moisture between the atmosphere and ocean is maximised along strong meridional contrasts in sea surface temperature, such as across the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio. We find that these strong meridional contrasts confine and determine the position of evaporation and precipitation, as well as storm occurrence and intensity. The general intensity of the water cycle and storm activity, however, is determined by the underlying absolute sea surface temperature.