Review for the 1st Revision of Manuscript submitted to WCD by Casselman et al. 2022.
While I don't have any more scientific criticism, I find that the writing is still not terribly good. I also don't find it easy to grasp what are the main findings. I don't have time to describe all the problematic parts and to give specific suggestions. But I will give some specific comments focusing on "Abstract" and "Discussion and Conclusion" below. Please bear in mind that writing in the main body may also need improving although I don't refer to it here.
I think the authors need to pay attention to good structures, central themes, flows, and story for all levels (the paper overall, sections, paragraphs, and sentences) in a scientific paper.
So, while I could recommend "Acceptance", I think readers will not find the paper nice to read. For this reason, I am specifying "Major revision" to give the authors another chance to improve.
1. Abstract and D&C - It's not clearly stated what the typical or expected ENSO teleconnection on the North Atlantic in Spring and Summer is. Then, it's not clearly described what is the modulation from TNA SSTA on the teleconnection is. What property of the TNA SSTA affects what property of the teleconnection? For example, is it warmer TNA SSTA produces a weaker ENSO teleconnection, or even changing the pattern of teleconnection?
2. D&C - It's not very organised at different levels. There are descriptions which follow another that may seem confusing, distracting or even contradictory.
a. First paragraph mentions modulation of the ENSO teleconnection by TNA SST, but doesn't describe what the modulation is (what is the modulation doing to the teleconnection in terms of patterns and strengths). Walker cell, Gill response and PCD are then quickly mentioned, but it's not explained whether we should regard them a same interlinked process as far as modulation is concerned or not. In fact, the last sentence says "The PCD is salient for its ability to influence the NAE region via a Rossby wave train, and a potential pathway for the Atlantic to influence the NAE region," which makes me think this is not related to modulation of ENSO teleconnection, but a direct PCD teleconnection to the NAE region. Information/writing like this throughout the paper is confusing.
b. Second paragraph starts by telling us Walker cell and PCD are highly correlated and increased understanding can be instrumental for improving seasonal prediction. But then PCD seems to be ignored in the rest of paragraph, and descriptions of Pacific and Atlantic interactions follow. Linear and nonlinear interactions are mentioned, but not described or explained.
c. Third paragraph is suddenly a general description of models limitation on simulating tropical atmospheric interactions. The discussion may be useful somewhere in this section or elsewhere. But when I tried to follow summary of main findings in the first two paragraphs, this one suddenly appears like an unwanted distraction.
d. Fourth paragraph then mentions yet another factor Caribbean RWS. So now there are TNA SST, Walker cell, Gill response, PCD, and Carribean RWS to keep tract of! Are they all important in your research and in this paper? Can you find a unifying factor between them? Or can you not only selectively report to us the most important thing you find? (and report the others in Appendix/Supplementary). The rest of the paragraph is also not clear or contradictory to the main finding. The Abstract and earlier in this section mention modulation of TNA on ENSO teleconnection, but now this paragraph concludes with "When examining the impact for Atlantic SSTAs to modulate of the extratropical response through using correlation shifts, we do not see a significant strengthening of the link between the Walker cell gradient and either EA or NAO in both boreal spring and summer." So is there a modulation by the Atlantic on the ENSO teleconnection or not!? If you are talking about two different things, you need to be much more careful and clearer in your writing. Like I already commented in the previous review, you need to be clear on what are teleconnections you focus on, what are modulating these teleconnections, what are the modulators, as well as what are the modulations. Then you can also describe the mechanisms for selected important modulations.
e. Fifth paragraph - First sentence talks about composite analysis, second sentence talks about tropical Atlantic to extratropics in spring, third sentence talks about Caribbean to Europe in summer, fourth sentence talks about model experiments - please don't jump around like that, your reviewer (readers will be too) is suffering.
The rest talks about role of Atlantic spring using the model experiments. But the last sentence is "This change between A and AP may help to explain why the Walker cell connection to the EA is not significantly in influenced as the (AP-P) response in the North Atlantic does not overlap with the EA or NAO areas." Importantly, if the response is not in the EA and NAO areas, then why do you conclude there is a modulation by the Atlantic? Maybe you need to explain (again) what is the significance (meaning) of looking at AP-P.
f. Sixth paragraph - First sentence starts with saying extratropical response to the Atlantic forcing is REDUCED when forced together with the Pacific, and ends with the saying the tropical response is INTENSIFIED when forced alongside the Pacific. The next sentence then says it is unclear what causes the "nonlinearity". Firstly what/which "nonlinearity"? Are you calling the difference in extratropical and tropical responses "nonlinearity"? Secondly and importantly, why are we interested in tropical and extratropical Atlantic responses to Atlantic forcing? Don't you want to focus on responses to Pacific forcing, with and without Atlantic modulation? That's your study focus, it's even in your title! So, again, I don't think you have been clear in your writing (maybe even in your mind) on which teleconnection you focus on and what is/are modulating (meaning modifying) this teleconnection.